Functional Keratin™ Benefits

Keratin, like collagen, is a vital protein for maintaining healthy skin, hair, and nails. Collagen provides the necessary amino acids, serving as the building blocks for your body. Our Functional Keratin™ formula acts as a enhancer, helping your body transform dietary collagen, peptides, and amino acids into the specific types of collagen needed for your inner beauty routine, or beautine as we call it.

Functional Keratin™ works synergistically with dietary collagen to boost the body’s ability to produce the right structural proteins to strengthen hair follicles, nails, and promoting skin health. This is achieved by activating skin cells with the right nutritional input to specifically make collagen IV and collagen VII, the binding proteins that join the dermal and epidermal layers essential for healthy skin as well as anchoring hair follicles into the scalp.

Functional Keratin™, due to its high natural abundance of sulfur amino acids, offers several benefits:

* Boosts antioxidant defense mechanisms by increasing glutathione synthesis, enhancing protection against oxidative stress.

* Supports anti-inflammatory response by promoting taurine synthesis, aiding in reducing inflammation.

Functional Keratin™ promotes:

* Stronger hair follicles by improving their anchoring in the scalp.

* Improvement of skin firmness and elasticity by reinforcing the dermal-epidermal junction.

* Healthy nail growth by providing the optimal balance of amino acids.

Functional Keratin™ also helps with:

* Minimizing the effects of aging on hair, skin, and nails, including follicular health.

* Protecting against damage caused by free radicals.

* Alleviating inflammation in the skin.

Love Science?

Functional Keratin™ affects metabolic pathways associated with hair, skin and nail health. A strong body of scientific data supports each component of the mechanisms of action, including a study on mechanism of action of Functional Keratin™ that has been published in the Journal of Experimental Dermatology (Tang et. al., 2012).